Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Stuck Ep. 2

So, this is a funny one. Recently, my dad and stepmom have become what we northerners call, snowbirds. (He thought he'd never be a snowbird! What a ridiculous idea!)
I'm an adventurous person. I thought about having a little fun. Because my parents were not up at their house and they were in Florida I figured I'd give it a shot and try to drive up to their house when there was snow on the ground. You have to understand that taking on a feat like this is close to insane. Sometimes the snow on their driveway doesn't melt until May!
Part of the driveway is plowed because somebody lives up on top of the hill but the rest of the driveway was not plowed going up to their house.
I do have a four-wheel-drive truck with 18-inch tires. I'm also able to put the transfer case in 4 Low to give me more torque. So I proceeded to drive up the plowed portion of the driveway thinking this will be good I'll have fun. So I get to the Y in the driveway where it splits and I give it a little extra gas and plow over the tiny snowbank or what I thought was a tiny snowbank.
Maybe all of you or some of you know that feeling when your vehicle tends to just sink a few inches in my case maybe four or five or almost 10 I guess I don't know. Anyway, that's the feeling I got as I crested the snowbank and settled on the other side. I said to myself, "oh crap". I proceeded to put it in reverse and try to walk the truck out. Wasn't happening! Didn't even rock back and forth! 
AND, there is no cell service!
Now, I am wondering what my wife will say? Oh right, "what a dumbass!"
I get out of the truck and climb on top of the truck to get cell service.
One bar!
Who do I call? John, yes John. Ring! Ring! Crackle! Ring!
Hel..... whats goi... ..n?
I'm up at my dads and I am stuck. Can you come up and pull me out?
Lo and behold, our friend pulls me out.

Ever since then I do drive up there with diligence. :)

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