Monday, March 9, 2015

James Brown Too!

We jumped from little Tad, who was dying to drive and trying to drive to present Tad who is ready to drive. Now on to future Tad who is anxiously anticipating this upcoming driving season. I am scheduled to drive at Watkins for two events and and one at, what will be newly paved, Pittsburgh International.
So this post was supposed to be about me.Well, the heck with that! This post is really about you. There are countless people in my life that have helped and supported me in achieving my dream. I remember when i told many of you of my dream and you, for the most part, responded with a dropped jaw! Now I don't know really if your first thought was, "you're nuts!" or "holy cow! That's awesome!" but in any event I thrived from all of your reactions.
You know those YouTube videos titled, People are amazing. When I watch those videos I am overwhelmed with our human abilities. Every time I watch my own A couple of laps at watkins video I get the same feeling.
In order for those great feats to happen those people were inspired, supported, pushed from people like you. So this post is really about thanking all of you for inspiring, supporting, pushing me to achieve my goal.

And for reading my pointless rambling posts! See you at the track!

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